Magic Mushrooms-African Transkei


Dried Magic Mushrooms

Species: Psilocybe Cubensis

Strain/Variety: African Transkei

Origin : It’s believed that these magic mushrooms also known as SATs were found during an exploration in the Wild Coast region of South Africa in 2002. They are said to be found by mushroom foragers in the armpits of a large trees.

Characteristics : African Transkei shrooms have a unique appearance during their growth phase. When young, they look like regular yellowish magic mushrooms. However, once they develop completely, the caps of various sizes now turn a dark brown and can even take on a purplish hue. The interesting thing about African Transkei magic mushrooms is that the gills—the underside of the cap where the spores are—stay attached to the cap.

Effects/Potency : This strain is especially potent!!  Being able to produce both closed eye and more remarkably open eye visuals.  Transkei Cubensis are also known for being sensation enhancing mushrooms that can alter the way you perceive sound and visuals, producing geometric shapes as well as ‘dancing lights’ perceptions.

The effects of Transkei Cubensis on the body are energetic, despite the mushrooms causing what is known as ‘the mushroom yawns.’ You can expect to feel your skin tingling, have a fit of the giggles or a simple bout of energy that will make you want to dance.

On the mind, the mushrooms may have different effects.  African Magic mushrooms provide a serious case of time dilation—meaning that time will seem to slow down.Users report sensations of euphoria, observations in the realm of mind alteration, and even mystic experiences as Transkei Cubensis opens your mind and allows you to see beyond the present.

Always make sure that you have enough supplies to last you your trip, which can take up to 6 hours or more. We recommend bringing enough food, water, and good tunes if you’re somewhere outside.


Dosage recommendations:

Creative dose: 0.5 Grams

Medium Recreational dose: .75 – 1.0 Grams

Full Recreational dose: 1.0 – 1.5 Grams

Use in a supervised setting until you have experience!


Do not drive while under the effects of mushrooms. In smaller doses, mushrooms can be very pleasant, but larger doses can be frightening and uncomfortable.

Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Mixing magic mushroom products with alcohol or other anti-depression medication (SSRI) dulls the experience or blocks it completely.

Keep product stored at room temperature in a dry environment away from direct sunlight.



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