‘Scooby Snack’ Capsules 240mg


Scooby Snack Capsules: 1- $6 | 6- $35 | 10- $55 | 20- $110 | 30- $155 | 50- $265

Microdose Scooby Snacks are gelatin capsules which contain :

240mg Psilocybin Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms
20mg Gingko Biloba
20mg Bee Pollen
20mg Red Ginseng

For your first experience, we recommend that you take 1 capsule and then wait 90 – 120 minutes to judge the effect.

Taking more than 1 or 2 capsules can be too much for some people.

Don’t overdo it, especially your first time.

The effects will be strongest on an empty stomach.

Use in a supervised setting until you have experience.

Do Not Drive, Operate Machinery, Swim Climb or do anything dangerous after eating these capsules!

Keep away from Pets and Children.


Microdose Scooby Snacks contents/ingredients :

240mg Dry Powdered Psilocybin Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

Considered one of the most therapeutic varieties.

Enhances physical and spiritual awareness.

Promotes inner visions on higher dosages.

Psilocybin is converted to psilocin in the body and is believed to influence serotonin levels in the brain. It’s one of the most well-known hallucinogens that occurs naturally in mushrooms- often referred to as ‘magic mushrooms’. This can lead to altered and unusual perceptions depending on the dose. The effects take 20 to 40 minutes to begin and can last up to 6 hours—the same amount of time it takes for psilocin to be metabolized and excreted

20mg Ginkgo Biloba – A tree which is native to China. An extract is made from its leaves and it has been used due to its numerous health benefits. Some of which include:

Improves circulation and heart health
Memory enhancement
Improves eye health
Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression

20mg Bee pollen – Considered so beneficial that the German Federal Board of Health recognizes it as medicine.

It’s a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax and bee secretions. (Not to be confused with other bee products such as honey, royal jelly or honeycomb.

Bee pollen it’s loaded with nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, lipids and over 250 active substances.

20mg Red Ginseng – It  contains two significant compounds: ginsenosides and gintonin. These compounds complement one another to provide health benefits.

Common uses of Ginseng include:

Boosts the immune system
Helps manage cold/flu symptoms
Lowers blood sugar
Temporarily improves concentration and learning

Ginseng has also been studied as a way to improve mood and boost endurance as well as treat cancer, heart disease, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, menopausal symptoms, and other conditions. While some of these uses are promising, the evidence isn’t conclusive.


Do Not Drive, Swim or do anything dangerous after eating these capsules until the dosage has set and effects are known. The effects will be strongest on an empty stomach.




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